25 September 2013

Textures and patterns

How was the summer holidays? Hope that better than mine: I spend it working...
Anyway, it has been a long time since the last post and I'm sorry for it.
Today I'll break up my silence to bring you up a web I found last week: CG Textures
It contains a lot of realistic-style patterns and textures, well ordered into several categories and their sub-categories.

The amount of images you can found in it is really amazing, and each picture can be found in different sizes. I think they will be usefull for working with it in your crafts, or maybe you need a pattern to fill your design... whatever! That's the reason why I'll decided to show you it.

08 August 2013

What's up with brown?

Brown rules because it's the color of chocolate, and coffe... and earth ^^

Sometimes I leave some posts prepared to publish, but finally don't for various reasons... In this case, I had this drawing reserved to post because I'm not sure about its quality, but in any case, I like it :P

And again, sorry for the lack of publications. Theoretically I should be writing about rocks, rifting, and stuff like these right now...

05 July 2013

An empty city

Ups... it has been a long time since the last time... ( = 3 =)
It is an old sketch done two or three years ago. I was improving my perspective skills... and I think that the result is good enough.

11 June 2013

La picconatrice pazza

Legend says that if you say three times "Messinian" in front of an outcrop, the Crazy Geologist appears and chases you armed with her pick.

About the picture: It's an avatar (of me) done while I was in a Italian geologic workshop. The joke about the "Messinian" is a geologic joke (don't bully me for it XD). 
Messinian is a geologic stage which had often been mentioned during this course. I ended up tired to hear this word... And then, some weeks later, I started my PhD. About how has the Tyrrhenian evolved during the Messinian.
Now, I'm mentally insane. XD

Ah! And about the tittle: in fact "picconatrice" means "pneumátic pick" in italian (I'm pretty sure about it), and "pazza" means "crazy".

05 June 2013

Sketching more characters...

Another fast sketch, done while I should be writing my thesis... 
Anyway, he is one of the main characters of an oncoming work: Tu (my boyfriend doesn't know it... but he is inspired by him).

23 May 2013

A girl reading

the background is a "bitmaped" screencap from the Oblivion game I found on internet

Wow!! We reached 1000 visits!! I would do something to celebrate it... but I hadn't enough time to think about it ... actually I'm working like mad into my PhD. But, in any case, a lot of thanks to be here!!

About the art: I found it in an old folder of my old computer... I tryed to paint it using comic patterns done in photoshop.

07 May 2013

XV Certámen de Cómic del Ayuntamiento de Las Rozas.

(en castellano => debajo de la imagen)

Again, I'll switch to Spanish to talk about another comic contest. Probably, in a future, I'm going to look for international contest... when I have enough free time to look for it. But by the way, if you know other competitions, you can notice me and I will publish it here. ;)

I encourage you to visit Xela's website!
This page belongs to last year winner: Xela.
Hoy os traigo otro concurso de cómic. Esta vez se trata del Certámen de Cómic del ayuntamiento las Rozas. Es un concurso ya veterano, y podéis ver los ganadores de años anteriores en su web. Si os interessa, os podeis descargar las bases desde la misma página en formato pdf.

¡Ah! Para participar, hay que tener entre 14 y 30 años, y hay que rellenar una solicitud de incripción que podeis descargar allí mismo.

Y por último, por si os interessa... en la misma web de www.rozasjoven.es, si chafardeaís la pestaña de certámenes en el menú superior... podéis encontrar otras convocatorias que no tienen nada que ver con el cómic, pero si con otras artes como la música, o la fotografía... ;)

02 May 2013

Yowling at the moon

Another old draw, from 2009, but in this case is the first time I post it online.
Maybe, in a next future, I'll color it. 

26 April 2013

Concurso Manga de Norma Comics

(en castellano => mas abajo)

Today I bring you another comic contest. This time is an international contest, but to be honest, I'm not sure if the contributions could be in English (the bases do not specify this point). But participants can have any nationality and age. Anyway, I suppose that the contributions should be in spanish, because the works presented the lastest edition are all Spanish works, and the publishing group is Spanish...

But if you are curious, you can find the rules (in Spanish) by cliking the following image:

click, click, but don't lick

¿A quien le gusta dibujar manga? ¿Y a quien le gustaría ganar un suculento premio con tres zeros en euros por dibujar un señor tomo de manga? Vamos, dadle a este enlace (o a la imagen superior) para ver las bases. Puede participar todo el mundo: tengas la edad que tengas, si vives en este planeta llamado Tierra, ¡puedes participar!

En fin, tenéis hasta el 26 de agosto de 2013 para participar. ¡Mucha suerte!

23 April 2013

A bookmark - Bokmärken

for me sounds funny, because 'gratis' means free in spanish and in catalan XD

 Today is the World Book Day. That's why I bring you a bookmark.

It was a birthday gift for a good friend. We used to go together to Swedish (and German :D) classes. But this was several years ago, and now my Swedish knowledge are near to zero due to lack of practise.

But if you are interested in the text translation, it means something like: "Best wishes for your birthday".

18 April 2013

Anatomical references

Welcome to this brand-new section: "Resources". It sounds useful, isn't it? 8D
Here I'm going to put some resources that I have found on the net and I think they are helpful for you (and also for me... :P ).

So, I start with this web: Posemaniac (I recently discovered it via Minaya's blog on Subcultura). What is it? It's a web where you can find uncountable body images with a lot of postures, like these below...

He, he! She's looking at his butt!

 A characteristic of this site is that the images are in flash, and you can rotate it to see a full view of 360º of the body in each position. I find it really useful!

16 April 2013

Soup Faery

Another old draw (the signature says that is from 2008... O_o ). I was really hungry when I drew it...

08 April 2013

Playing with the wind

I did this illustration this last Easter. My first intention was to use it as the blog background, but I finally decided to keep the actual... for the moment.

03 April 2013

Little boy

It's a little boy painted several years ago... I think that even though the simple style, transmits joy (at least, this was my intention... ).

27 March 2013

Photoshop practice

I've finished this half an hour ago... so, it's still ink-fresh. Yep.
I know that there's a lot of things that could be improved... but this is just a photoshop practice. And it has been a lot of time since I've used photoshop. Too much time...

26 March 2013

Concurso de cómic Ciutat de Cornellà

 (En castellano => más abajo)

Again, I'll switch to spanish to bring new news. Sorry for english speakers, but I'm going to talk about a comic contest whose contributions should be in spanish or catalan...  
(by the moment, I suspect that the few readers that has this blog are all spanish speakers... XD )

¡Acaban de salir las bases para el concurso de Cómics Ciutat de Cornellà!

 Así que atentos: se trata de un concurso abierto a todo el mundo: no importa el grado de profesionalidad de cada autor. Todo dibujetista (la RAE aún no lo sabe, pero esta palabra existe) que se precie puede intentarlo.
Si os interesa participar en este veterano concurso de cómics, podéis descargaros las bases desde su página web. Pensad que aún tenéis tiempo: el plazo máximo de entrega es el 28 junio.

Hay varias modalidades en las que podéis participar, según si lo que soléis hacer es hacer crítica política, humor, o algo más narrativo. Incluso podéis participar si lo vuestro es la animación.

19 March 2013

Random portrait

An old sketch of a random girl. I pretended to do a self-portrait... but I failed. I'm not as sexy as she... XD

13 March 2013


(En castellano => más abajo)

Today I'm going to talk about Kboom! , a comic event which will take place the next weekend in Barcelona, Spain.
I think that information will be more useful for spaniards, so I'm going to swich to spanish today.
But if this weekend your visiting Barcelona, and you're interested to go to this convention focused on comics and self-edition, you can visit the web (in spanish).
Image by Aitor I. Eraña (http://aitorierana.tumblr.com/)

Soy consciente de que casi todos los que leeréis estas líneas ya sabéis lo que es Kboom! Y también sé que llego un poco tarde, ya que la noticia ya hace ya varias semanas que pasea por la red... Pero mejor tarde que nunca, ¿no?

Entonces, ¿que  és Kboom!?
Pues tal como lo definen los organizadores del evento: "Son unas jornadas de cómic y autoedición pensadas por amantes del cómic para amantes del cómic y toda persona culturalmente inquieta, un evento en el que, durante dos días, el público es invitado a formar parte de todas las actividades que se llevan a cabo para difundir la cultura del tebeo, actividades como mesas redondas, exposiciones, clases magistrales, proyecciones de documentales especializados así como descubriendo un espacio dedicado a nuevos autores y publicaciones independientes donde verán las nuevas propuestas de este apasionante mundo. "

Es decir, este fin de semana, si os pasáis por El Espai jove La Fontana, el espacio donde se celebra el evento,  podréis encontrar talleres, charlas, concursos. Charlar con autores noveles y seniores. Y sobre todo descubrir un poco más ese tan desconocido mundo del cómic español actual.

Y si aún dudáis, aquí os enlazo la programación del evento. Y mejor no me enrollo mas, ¿no? Que para algo han hecho ellos su pagina web, su facebook, y su twiter...

05 March 2013

Cup design

Hey, look at this! It's a new and unreleased work!
This was my contribution to a cup design contest of an important home decor company. Finally I won anything, but it has funny to work with a circular draw: both sides of the drawing match together.

27 February 2013


This week I bring to you this lovely (?) squirrel. It was done one year ago, when I had enough time to lose an entire evening painting... sigh... 

... and... by the way... I know that almost all the art I'm showing here is already in my Deviant Art account... I promise you that as soon as possible, I'll start to post other works (this means when I finish my PhD...).

19 February 2013

Ning, starring Ning

She's Ning, the main character of my webcómic Chinese Tale... By the moment, this webcomic is in a stand-by.... due to the amount of acumulated work to do to finish my PhD. 
She'll be back soon.

16 February 2013

Icy love

This is an old pic, but I still like a lot. It was done in 15 minutes, and was painted with watercolours.

Wedding gift

A gift for a special friend, for the occasion of her wedding.

10 February 2013


A ghost scrawled several days ago. Isn't it cute... (or something like this)?

25 January 2013

The Watermelon Bird

This strips were published into an old blog deleted a long time ago. I love this character, the "Pájaro Sandía" ... but it has only few strips.